Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A day in History. May 15

May 15
756 Abd-al-Rahman is proclaimed emir of Cordoba, Spain.
1602 English navigator Bartholomew Gosnold discovers Cape Cod.
1768 By the Treaty of Versailles, France purchases Corsica from Genoa.
1795 Napoleon enters the Lombardian capital of Milan in triumph.
1820 The U.S. Congress designates the slave trade a form of piracy.
1886 Emily Dickinson dies in Amherst, Mass., where she had lived in seclusion for the previous 24 years.
1916 U.S. Marines land in Santo Domingo to quell civil disorder.
1930 Ellen Church becomes the first airline stewardess.
1958 Sputnik III is launched by the Soviet Union.
1963 The last Project Mercury space flight, carrying Gordon Cooper, is launched.

1965 Se inicia en la parte norte de la capital dominicana la llamada ''Operación Limpieza'', con la participación de soldados leales al ''Gobierno de Reconstrucción Nacional'', respaldados pro militares de Estados Unidos.

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