Saturday, April 21, 2012

Earth Day 2012 - Mobilize the Earth

The history of English in 10 minutes. Interesting

A big surprise with books!!!!!!!

Last thursday a teacher told me that had a small surprise for me in the Library for Friday.  I was surprised because I didn't know anything and I wanted to find out. She told me: ''Mr. Pina, it's going to be only a small surprise, don't expect too much''. Anyway, I dont know why, I knew it was something special, just because I know she is a special person.

And finally, what happened? For me, it was a huge surprise. She came with the students from 6th grade to read and share the books they made. yEs!!! They  wrote and designed their own books. All of them were very good, but some were definitely excellent. They read the stories, they show the illustrations and I knew that something bigger can be made with the students to encourage reading and promote the values that a good book can give us.

I don't want these good ideas remain in the walls of the classrooms. It's necessary to create a tool that help us to grow up as teachers and institution, by challenging students and teachers to promote reading as a source of entertainment and knowledge. These fantastic projects must be awarded and the best works must be sent to different contests in our country and beyond our borders. Everybody need to know that our library it's not only a bored place with empty shelves, our library must be the center of the information and the main place for learning of our community, like all the libraries in the world.

Thanks dear Paloma for this wonderful present!!!!,  and all the 6th graders, THANKS a LOT!!! that is not only for me, it will be for all the students and teachers who will enjoy it in the future. Thanks to all the teachers who help me in this wonderful work.

Here you can see some pictures. Enjoy them!